Tag: Security
Elevator Pitches Now LIVE for Innov865 Week’s 2020 Startup Day Pitch Competition
KNOXVILLE, Tenn. – Elevator pitches are online for each competitor in this year’s Innov865 Alliance Startup Day contest. Each short video gives a glimpse of the technology and innovation currently developing in Knoxville’s robust startup scene. The minute-long proposals are compiled here by media sponsor WATE. Pitches range from technology for fighting climate change to…
Immedion Introduces Managed Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) Service with 24/7/365 Security Monitoring
Immedion LLC, a premiere provider of cloud, data center, and managed IT services, today announced the launch of Managed SIEM (Security Information and Event Management), its newest managed security service. As the frequency and sophistication of cyber-attacks continues to evolve, businesses – especially those in frequently targeted industries like healthcare and finance – need to…